Aromatherapy Massage Can Help Autistic Children

Aromatherapy massage may help autistic childrenAutism can be a very difficult neurobehavioral disorder for parents to cope with, especially if the child has particularly challenging behaviour. Since this disorder spans a wide range of impairments and symptoms, parents have to learn as many ways as possible to connect and support their child through their daily challenges.

So I was really heartened when I read about Marylee C. Schreiber, a spa therapist who regularly massages her autistic son using various essential oils and finds that it definitely helps improve his life. Marylee also uses her essential oils in a diffuser to help create a relaxing atmosphere that contributes towards her son’s well-being.

Regular massage with children diagnosed with ADHD has been seen to improve autistic children, so it certainly makes sense that relaxing essential oils and soothing massage could be helpful with autistic children. However, this is the first time I’ve read about it from the parent’s point of view, so I’m sure parents of autistic children will be interested to learn more about adopting this form of treatment.

Massage can calm autistic kids

Massage and aromatherapy can calm autistic children and offer parents respite from the stresses of caring for a special needs child, a Bowling Green licensed massage therapist said.

Marylee C. Schreiber owns and operates Sanctuary Body Spa, 730 Fairview Ave. She has an autistic son and has learned – through him and her own training – massage and aromatherapy techniques that can make a difference in autistic children’s lives. She talked about those techniques at a recent seminar.

Schreiber said the Touch Research Institute in Miami studied autistic children and found massage helped the children sleep better.

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