Aromatherapy Nail Treatments

Aromatherapy Nail TreatmentsBeautiful, well-groomed nails can be a way of feeling more “put-together”, making us feel confident about our appearance. However, it can take a lot of time, effort and cost to keep them looking perfectly manicured.

Did you know, you can make your own, lost-cost aromatherapy nail treatments for beautiful nails?


Always protect your hands and nails from hot water by using rubber gloves. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners that can damage the nail plate.

Remove your nail polish with a mild, acetone-free remover. Acetone can strip the delicate layers of your nails.

Nail moisturising treatments

There are several carrier oils that are commonly used in aromatherapy for moisturising dry, cracked, brittle and splitting nails.

Carrier oils such as avocado (unrefined), borage, coconut, jojoba, macadamia, rosehip and wheatgerm oils are all ideal for this purpose. This is due to their highly effective softening and moisturising properties. Aromatherapy base creams can also be used to moisturise nails, and ones containing the above vegetable oils are perfect.

Choose one of your carrier oils from this list and gently massage a few drops into your nails every day – paying particular attention to the cuticles. This simple tip will help to keep your nails flexible, and the surrounding skin in good condition – providing you do this on a regular basis.

Revitalising aromatherapy nail treatment

Here’s a simple but highly effective way to revitalize your nails. Soak your nails for about 5 minutes in a bowl of warm water to which you have added 1 drop of lemon essential oil. This softens the nails and makes them more porous in readiness for massaging your nails and cuticles

Essential oils for nails

If your nails are in need of a more dynamic treatment, add some essential oils to a carrier oil, base cream or base lotion and they will truly work their wonders on your damaged digits. Essential oils such as elemi, frankincense, galbanum, lavender, lemon and myrrh will all give a boost to damaged nails when used as part of your regular treatment routine. You only need to add 1 drop of essential oil to 5ml of your chosen aromatherapy carrier oil base for this purpose.

Essential Oil Treatments

You can make a very effective synergy containing just 1 drop of myrrh and 1 drop of elemi essential oils mixed into jojoba carrier oil. Another very effective blend is 1 drop of Frankincense and 1 drop of Myrrh essential oil blended into sweet almond carrier oil.

Aromatherapy nail treatments can be both a luxurious and therapeutic experience, promoting both beauty and wellness.

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