Mind & Body

How To Combat Freshers’ Flu Naturally

Freshers’ flu is not restricted to students, although up to 90% of them often catch it when returning to university. Try these natural defense strategies to protect yourself . . .

Aromatherapy For Neck And Shoulder Pain

A huge proportion of working adults suffer some form of neck and shoulder pain every year. Discover how to use the correct essential oils to get relief and ease your suffering . . .

The Romance Of Aroma

Essential oils can be used to raise the passions within, and if you’ve never tried this before you might find this very useful! Read on to discover how to do this . . .

Natural Ways To Manage Rheumatism

The devastating effects of rheumatism can be controlled naturally when approached sensibly. Physiotherapy, massage, essential oils, gentle exercise, and diet control can all help . . .

Aromatherapy And The Sense Of Smell

The sense of smell is the most basic and primitive of all our senses, and is of vital importance to humans since it helps with the survival of our species . . .

Essential Oils: Natures Best Insect Repellants

Essential oils are natures very best insect repellants, and you can use them safely to keep the bugs at bay when you outdoors. Learn how to use them to fight off a hostile attack whilst outside . . .

Mindfulness – What It Is And How To Do It

Mindfulness is useful for tackling stress and anxiety by helping people become ‘present’ in the moment. Essential oils and aromatherapy can enrich the whole experience for you . . .

Walking Your Way To Health

Walking is one the easiest and best forms of exercise that improves your health, lowers blood pressure and event helps prevent heart attacks. And best of all it costs you absolutely nothing . . .

Effective Stress Management With Aromatherapy

Stress accounts for a staggering amount of illness in modern society – fortunately aromatherapy offers one of the finest ways to tackle it without resorting to drugs. Here’s how . . .

Change Your Mind!

A positive attitude plays a huge part in determining how happy and successful our lives will be. If you want to improve your life try these simple tips to help you change your mind . . .
