Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

Cinnamon Leaf Essential OilCinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

Cinnamon Leaf essential oil is known for its stimulating properties, making it a popular choice for both mind and body. It can provide a welcome boost to energy levels and mental focus, making it ideal for use during long drives or when feeling mentally fatigued. Additionally, its warming qualities can help ease muscular discomfort and tension when used in massage blends.

The Scent Of Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

Cinnamon Leaf oil carries a warmly inviting scent, often associated with festive atmospheres. It has also been noted for its ability to evoke feelings of romance.

Extracted from the leaves of the cinnamon tree, this oil offers a spicy fragrance. This blends harmoniously with various other essential oils, especially citrus varieties. Equally,  it can be appreciated on its own.

Cinnamon Leaf Diffuser Blend:

A cinnamon leaf essential oil diffuser blend can create a warm, cosy, and comforting atmosphere, perfect for autumn or winter months. Here’s a blend that incorporates the spicy notes of cinnamon leaf with complementary essential oils:

Cosy Cinnamon Blend:

3 drops Cinnamon Leaf
2 drops Orange
2 drops Clove
1 drop Cedarwood

This blend provides warmth from the cinnamon and clove, while the orange adds a refreshing citrus sweetness, and cedarwood gives it a grounding, earthy base.


Safety Considerations:

  • Dilution: Cinnamon leaf oil can be irritating to the skin, so it must be diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba) before applying topically.
  • Avoid During Pregnancy: It’s often advised to avoid this oil during pregnancy due to its potency.
  • Not for Children or Pets: Use caution around children and pets as cinnamon oil can be too strong for them.

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