essential oils

Balancing Your Mood With Aromatherapy

The stresses of everyday life can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted. To help balance your mind and mood, there are several thing you can put into practice to reduce and improve your general sense of well-being. These involve a combination of physical, mental, and emotional strategies.   We’ve put together some tips below to […]

Cedarwood Virginian Essential Oil

Cedarwood Virginian essential oil is known botanically as Juniperus virginiana, and strictly speaking is not considered a true cedar. As the botanical name suggests, it is actually part of the genus Juniper, which belongs to the Cupressaceae family. Either way, this is a very useful essential oil that is both versatile and cost-effective. Few essential […]

Embracing Earth Day

As we commemorate Earth Day this week, a time to reflect on our planet’s health and vitality, Quinessence stands firm in our dedication to sustainable sourcing and environmental stewardship. Join us in embracing Earth Day as we delve into our commitment to organic practices, biodiversity, and ethical sourcing. Our Allegiance to Organic Medicinal Plants: For […]

Revive Your Vitality With Essential Oils

Vitality is a term generally used to describe a person’s ability to live, grow, and develop during their lives. We all suffer from periods of time when we get over-tired, run down and lack drive. Flagging energy levels can often occur following a viral infection such a as a cold or flu. Stress, or too […]

French Lavender Essential Oil

Essential Oil Profile: French Lavender Probably one of the best-known essential oils, Lavender is an extremely versatile and relaxing essential oil. Commonly used to help calm and balance the mind, aid sleep, and ease irritability, this oil also has many other benefits.   Gentle enough on even the most sensitive of skin, it can help […]

Anti-Pollen Essential Oils and Blends

As the flowers bloom and the trees come back to life, spring brings with it an abundance of pollen that can trigger allergies and discomfort for many. If you’re looking for natural solutions to combat pollen allergies, essential oils may be your answer. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best anti-pollen essential oils and […]

Springtime Renewal – With Aromatherapy

Spring has arrived and brought with it the promise of joy, new beginnings, growth and renewal. For many people, the dark winter nights and the colder weather has a negative impact on their emotions, because when we feel down it can affect our physical health too. It is widely accepted that outside influences such as […]

7 Effective Antibacterial Essential Oils

Essential oils have a lengthy history of use as antibacterial medicines, and increasingly researchers are finding evidence that validates their claimed therapeutic properties when used in aromatherapy. This is not surprising when you consider that many essential oils contain around 100 or more therapeutically active ingredients. A typical essential oil will contain an elaborate mixture […]

Discover Quinessence Mood Enhancing Essential Oils

The Difference That Blends Make In today’s fast-paced world, self-care and relaxation are absolute essentials. Aromatherapy, a practice rooted in ancient wellness traditions, is experiencing a revival for one simple reason – it works. Harnessing the natural potency of essential oils, aromatherapy has the incredible ability to soothe your mind, relax your body, and elevate […]

The Benefits Of Meditation

In the whirlwind of our hectic lives, finding moments of tranquillity can seem like an impossible task. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that we rejuvenate our souls, refocus our minds, and discover the profound benefits of relaxation techniques. Today, we delve into the symbiotic relationship between meditation and aromatherapy; two powerful tools that […]
