12 Tips For Better Health
Are you aware that you can become a healthier, happier and more successful person just by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle? That’s right, it’s absolutely true – and not difficult to do either.
Are you aware that you can become a healthier, happier and more successful person just by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle? That’s right, it’s absolutely true – and not difficult to do either.
Discover how to use your essential oils to create a wonderful energizing springtime aroma around the house. It’s easier than you think if you follow these easy to use tips . . .
Roman chamomile essential oil is one of the most versatile of all the oils used in aromatherapy today – learn more about its history, therapeutic properties and how to use it in aromatherapy . . .
Dark circles can age a woman far more than wrinkles and even grey hair, life is so unfair! Learn how to fight back using only essential oils and natural aromatherapy treatments . . .
Yoga has been proven to increase physical activity, strength, flexibility and balance. But did you know that using essential oils during yoga can take it to another level . . .
Parents are at last discovering the numerous benefits of using essential oils to treat their children with minor ailments such as scrapes, coughs and colds . . .
Learn how to ease the dread of panic attacks using aromatherapy and essential oils . . .
Defy aging and live a happier, healthier life by holding a positive mental attitude. It’s not as crazy as it sounds – science supports this theory, – you only need to look at people who do this to see the results . . .
Clove bud essential oil is derived from the small reddish-brown, unripe flower buds of the tropical evergreen tree known botanically as Syzygium aromaticum, and in older texts Eugenia caryophyllata. Like all spices, clove has a long and rich history of use in both culinary and medicinal applications, having been put to use first by the […]
Throughout ancient history, the herb rosemary was used at weddings, funerals and burned in schools to enhance learning. The Tudors believed rosemary had powers to enhance memory and in Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Ophelia famously remarked, ‘There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray you, love, remember.’ It’s fair to say the connection with rosemary and memory has […]