From £4.95

Antiseptic, astringent and relaxing. Cedarwood Atlas Essential Oil is steam distilled from the wood of the tree, and is a strong antiseptic oil with astringent properties that makes it ideal for teenage spots and greasy skin. It blends very well with tea tree oil, making it a broad-spectrum antiseptic treatment with a more pleasing aroma than using just tea tree alone.

In massage blends, Cedarwood Atlas Essential Oil helps to ease the muscular aches and pains associated with strenuous exercise or gardening etc. In common with several other essential oils, this oil imparts both a relaxing effect on the mind whilst simultaneously bringing an energizing and strengthening action to the body. Read More

From £9.35

Antiseptic, astringent and relaxing. Like many other oils, Organic Cedar Atlas Essential Oil has a calming effect on the mind while at the same time it brings a stimulating and strengthening action to the body. In body massage, this oil soothes everyday muscular aches and pains and eases stiff joints. It has a quite distinctive, sweet, woody and balsamic odour that adds a unique base note to blends.

When used as part of a regular haircare regime, Organic Cedar Atlas Essential Oil helps to control dandruff and keeps the hair in great condition, and in recent research it was found to treat hair loss. A blend of rosemary and cedar atlas oils added to a fragrance-free shampoo and conditioner base will give tired, lifeless hair a welcome boost. Read More

From £4.90

Antiseptic, astringent, and strengthening . When used in massage, Cedar Virginian essential oil helps to ease everyday muscular aches and pains, especially when blended together with Roman or German Chamomile, Sweet Marjoram, or Black Pepper essential oils. It also has a strengthening action on both body and mind, which makes it useful for stress, dealing with negative emotions, and increasing determination.

The astringent and antiseptic properties of Cedar Virginian are ideal for use in a cream or lotion base for teenage spots, and oily skin conditions. It can also be used in a shampoo base to improve the condition of the scalp and hair when suffering from dandruff, or a very dry scalp that is shedding white flakes. Read More